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  • mikemeg "mikemeg5" - Cured my paleo breathI'm a low carb, high meat and fat guy. Since I switched my diet about two years ago, my breath has been pretty vile. My family has not varied from the opinion that I have a hard-to-describe foul miasma around my head. My wife characterized it as "old man smell". I have tried different chlorophyll-like pills, minty pills, gargles, etc., to no avail (I'm not willing to stop the diet--it's radically improved my blood chemistry).

    I'm willing to roll the dice on all sorts of idiotic possibilities, and Therabreath fit the bill. When it arrived, late afternoon (so 10 hours after last brushing, and with a nice lunch in the interim), I rinsed for a minute per the directions, gargled briefly, and exhaled on my daughter, who proclaimed it "scent-free". My insanely sensitive wife --after dinner-- was blown away by the absence of nasty breath. The big test was the next day, with rinsing in the morning and spending all day undoing it with meat, yogurt, cheese, etc. Dinnertime-- still no smell. Three days in, and it's still fantastic.

    Mild, almost non-existent taste, and the results seem to last all day. Great product.
  • Roseann - AmazingOne of the best tablets I had a chance to work with..The graphics, videos, compatability to my samsung galaxy SIII, I just love it. the apps load quickly, everything is at your fingertips.
  • tcostan1 - Perfect for small apartmentI live in a medium sized apartment with hardwood floors and a dog that sheds. I am now finally able to keep up with the dog hair. Space is a premium so having a small vacuum that stores easily is great. The suction is strong, yet the vacuum is not that loud. Also, not having to deal with a cord makes it much easier to clean up the whole apartment quickly, or just do a quick spot check.

    This has been one of the best products I have bought in a long time for convenience and practicality. That said, it is expensive, but there are no other cordless, bagless, small, strong, and easy to store vacuums out there, so I bought it anyway. Worth the $ in my opinion.

    Important to note, this product would be a total waste of money if you lived in a big house.
  • R. Rogers "wordbrd" - You're welcome!Dear BIC,

    Congratulations on the stunning success of your new product, BIC Cristal Pens for Her! Now that the cash is rolling in, you're probably casting around for a new assignment for your ace product development staff. Let me offer an exciting suggestion, if I may: BIC Diamante Toothbrushes for Her.

    Thrice daily, ladies struggle to clean their dainty teeth with unwieldy toothbrushes designed for men. The typical toothbrush's fibers are designed to scrape burly gums free of the morsels of baby-back ribs, chicken wings, and burgers. They also abrade husky male choppers to remove the stains from chaw, pickles, and black coffee. Long, thick, rock-hard handles enable men to reach far back into their manly maws to scrape out debris. Delicate females can choke on them, unfortunately.

    Since a diet of chardonnay and cucumber sandwiches on white bread doesn't much affect dentition, the typical man's toothbrush is too harsh and bulky for a lady. The BIC Diamante Toothbrush for Her would resemble a glittering fairy wand, the ultra-soft fibers gently caressing a woman's delicate pearly whites and rosy gums, and the handle being slim, cuddly, and sparkly. Of course, they would be offered in an array of pleasing pastel colors to match every bathroom décor. And just like your best-selling BIC Cristal Pens for Her, the BIC Diamante Toothbrush for Her handles would be accented with diamonds. Real diamonds.

    (Really--actual diamonds. Hence the name. Big ones, too.)

    Seize this opportunity to build on your success, BIC, and take it to the next level! You will not regret it. My attorneys will be contacting you shortly to discuss royalties.

    You're welcome, ladies--and BIC!
  • J. White - Excellent CAD ProgramAutoCAD is about the best it gets and this program is no exception. Its only disadvantage is it does not work in 3D like the full AutoCAD version. The program retains the familiar AutoCAD interface so the learning curve is not very steep from 2010 or 2009. AutoCAD has somewhat of a learning curve for newbies but after a few months becomes second nature. I installed the program on a Win 7 64 bit system and it seems to install and work fine.