
Medical Writing - Klinischer und präklinischer Studienberichte, Gutachten für Zulassung, CTD Module, wissenschaftliche Artikel und Kongressberichte - Dienstleistung für Medical Writing an, sowie spezialisierte medizinische und wissenschaftliche Übersetzungen für Universitäten, forschende Pharmaindustrie, Generikafirmen und Europarat.

Country: Europe, DE, Germany

  • oldcreaux - A well researched and highly articulate story of a Jewish insurgent against the Roman Empire.After stating that the evidence for and against a historical Jesus are of about equal weight the author then presents plausible and scholarly historical speculation about Jesus of Nazareth and it is well worth reading for the historical background upon which his life was played out. The author presents the analogy of having bought a forgery (the myth) and found the original (the history) underneath. If your view of the story is one in which myth and history are seamlessly intertwined illustrating the evolution of one theology into another then you may have some restoration to do on your own.

    I think the material is well organized and masterful in presentation. It is rare, I think, to find an author with whom you agree completely. If you think that the Gospel of Mark combines the elements of Jewish myth and the Homeric Epics then you may be a bit resistant to drawing a conclusion from the "fact" that the author of this gospel shows no particular literary talent.

    All in all I cannot bring myself to subtract a star.
  • Virginia Socwell - Use for disabledWe purchased it for a person with disabilities and are having some issues with his touch, but the tablet is great.
  • nvdasurge19 - perfect shoe for serious road bikingone of the reasons that prompted me to seek a better shoe for my road biking endeavors was that my feet got really numb last fall during a 60 mile event on a softer sole, cross shoe... Saw these at a local bike shop and tried them on to make sure they fit well, then found a great deal here! The conclusion is that the stiff sole, light yet solid upper material make for a great shoe... My feet were just fine after 50 miles last weekend! Highly recommended, as long as you don't have an overly wide foot or an unusually high arch.
  • Carolyn in FL - Girlfriends ForeverWhen first introduced to Susan Branch, I knew immediately that we were soul mates. With eagerness I awaited the arrival of A Fine Romance for I instinctively knew I was in for a treat. When was the last time you held a book written complete in the author's hand, embellished with delightful watercolor illustrations and professional quality photographs? This alone would recommend it. But it is the writing--detailed, descriptive, fresh--that draws the reader in. I felt as if I had stowed away in Susan's top pocket from which I saw what she saw, experienced first hand each day's adventure during her two months travel into the remote and alluring countryside of England. Any Beatrix Potter devotee would want this book if for nothing else than the tour of Hill Top, Potter's home, and her beloved Lake District. Readers are in for a delightful vacation excursion. Enjoy!