
The Travel Doctor - The Travel Doctor interactive website providing specialist health information for travellers plus customised lists of travel medicines, vaccines and malaria tablets for holiday makers, global adventure travellers and expeditions

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  • DAN RODGERS - Jesus was with me in VietnamI am Dan Rodgers author of Call Me Sergeant Rock Jesus sent a Guardian Angel to protect me in Vietnam. When I started reading this book, I started to wonder how it would be if Jesus was not with us in Vietnam. I am not finished with this great book yet but what I can see thus far it is fantastic. Call Me Sergeant Rock: How a Boy Becomes a Man in Vietnam
  • Gay A. Farrar - GOOD RESOURCE!!As the manager of medical transcription at a clinic, my transcriptionists choose this book as their "go-to" book for pharmaceuticals. Very good resource! Waiting to see if a 2013 edition comes out as I order this for my staff.
  • Jo Ana Starr "Mind-Body-Spirit" - Forecasting, Quantum Physics and MetaphysicsIn this optimistic book, author Greg Braden utilizes his technological background and spiritual outlook to create a book that gives us important insights into the years ahead, with special focus on 2012. Based on his research, the author has pinpointed "opportunity windows" for positive change in past, present and future transitional cycles and he shows us how these windows can be activated.

    This well-written book is a metaphysical approach to futurism/ forecasting and quantum physics. For Greg Braden fans, this book will delight. For the rest, this book will surprise you. I believe this is his best book in terms of research and presentation. All the dots seem to connect as the author lays out his conclusions based on extensive research.

    If you, like many of us, have concerns about 2012, read this book. I think you'll enjoy it !
  • S. Bedell - The BEST gadget I have ever owned!I was afraid it would be too technical for me ( I can barely use a cell phone), but it was too easy! (So easy, I've ordered one for my mother!) Plug it in, turn it on, follow the directions on screen & start reading! The Kindle Book prices are significantly lower than I'd been paying for paper & hard backs. I can also download books from my local library website and transfer them to my Kindle (cord included). I love my Kindle!
  • Kenagain59 - Roger Who ? ? ?The Division Bell may be PF's greatest work ever. Though i must admit its hard to compare anything to Darkside or Wish... This is more mature, relaxing, spiritually deep and Gilmours Guitar has never sounded sweeter. The old bass player/singer is not missed at all and has done nothing solo that comes even remotely close to DIVISION BELL. I can put on the headset and listen to this one as often as i wish and still love it. This album takes you away from it all.. It doesn't get commercially old like many of the 70's hit albums. The entire album could be one long story or even one song, it flows so naturally with no real hit single. If you love this album , get a copy of Van Morrisons INARTICULATE SPEECH OF THE HEART or ASTRAL WEEKS. Theres a similarity in feel and the place the music takes you to. Relax enjoy ... A Van fan hooked on Gilmour .