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  • nguyen tran - Great featuresThis is an oustanding software with many useful features. The software doesn't slow down my computer even when a full scan is in progress. The greatest feature is the protection for my phone. I don't do banking with my smart phone but it's always nice to have some protection. And the license is good for 3 PC's. If they have some rebates on this software, don't hesitate to get one.
  • L. Denktas "Mom of two" - LOVED!! This book!Well illustrated. Easy to understand and down to the point. This is not a doctor manual, but in an emergency I would love to have this book with me. It tells what to look for and how to help people in a limited medical help situation. It has 338 pages of what you might encounter and what to do if a medical crisis happens. It also has a use and dosage of medicine area, green pages 229-398. Additional info and charts from pages 399-455. It is a great book, I would recommend it for every family. Good to know what to do just incase of a disaster, medical trama, etc.
  • moonspoken - Symphony of Common SenseI purchased my copy of The Body Ecology Diet over a year ago. I suspected I could get well if I found the right tools to do so. And then I found intuitively this book's information was the missing link to the connection of food making me sick, in particular foods that feed the sugar gremlin's, aka candida. All the symptoms I had, all the relief I experienced when sticking with the protocol of the diet has effectively brought me to this state of great appreciation for Donna Gates sharing her journey and wisdom for the benefit of her worldwide family! Thank you for the work you put into healing yourself and sharing with us. Please keep this book close, and use it to stay on track with the life forces you were born to experience, healed of illness!

    Angela Parker
    Brothers, Oregon
  • D. M. Matlock - Quiet comfortI have been using Norton Internet Security for the last 3 years and have not had any problems with what it does or how it does it. The product works quietly in the background and does not slow my pc down in the process. The last 2 years I have been purchasing the renewal on Amazon as a download, saving a few dollars. And the digital copy stays in my Amazon account for future downloads into my other pc's if needed. I am not technical savy but I have not had any problems with viruses, phishing or other internet slowdowns. It works as it should.
  • PDXRULZ - BEST RIESLING EVERI love, love, LOVE this wine. I am not usually a white wine drinker and I am by no means a wine snob. I just really enjoy reasonably priced wine that is versatile enough to go with many dishes and/or tastes great on it's own. This Riesling is smooth and flavorful. Most Rieslings are too sweet for me but I find that Kung Fu has a crisp aftertaste that allows me to enjoy more then one glass without feeling like I am getting sick from sugar intake. It tastes best to me during the summer time, or at least in warmer weather as it is served chilled. Plus, with a name like Kung Fu Girl, how can you go wrong??