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  • S. Sarhan "matured reviewer" - ...one of the most remarkable rock albums of recent history!Pink Floyd's theatrical rock opera The Wall still sounds outstanding nearly 30 years after it was released.

    The album takes you into the mind of a rock star who loses every inch of whatever is left of his sanity, secludes himself from all the troubles of his own troubled little world, builds an imaginary wall in his mind made of all the people (his abusive schoolteachers, mother, and girlfriend) and events in his life (his dad dying in the war) that have seriously screwed him up, and dives head first into a dark world of TV, drugs, temptation, and utter craziness.

    The music on The Wall is brilliant. From the opening track In The Flesh? passing through the commerically successful Another Brick In The Wall, the silent primal screams of Mother and Goodbye Blue Sky, the elusive Nobody Home and Comfortably Numb, and the chaotic Run Like Hell all the way to the finale, the album sways and streaks to true rock perfection.

    The supplementary movie version of the album, Pink Floyd's The Wall, is a must see to truly appreciate and understand the storyline of one of the most remarkable rock albums of recent history.


  • Maria Rickert Hong, Certified Holistic Health... - Highly recommendedThe Body Ecology Diet is a gut-healing diet that I highly recommend. Its basic premise, building upon the foundation of what Dr. William Crook built in his “Yeast Connection” books, is that many chronic issues are due to a buildup of yeast (Candida) in the body.

    Because doctors don’t offer systemic Candida infections as a diagnosis, it is often overlooked as a causative factor in autoimmune, neurological and hormonal diseases, disorders and conditions, even cancer, when, in my mind, it should be one of the first suspects.

    Most people don’t understand how the use of steroids, antibiotics, birth-control pills and even ibuprofen can negatively affect the gut’s ecosystem. The Standard American Diet (SAD) with its grain, sugars and starches also contributes heavily to a disrupted gut ecology.

    It boils down to this: 70% of your immune system is located in your gut. If its inner ecosystem is overrun by bad guys, like Candida, it can leave you vulnerable to more virulent infections, diseases and disorders.

    Not only that, but Candida can affect your ability to produce hormones, which is why people with candidiasis often have adrenal, thyroid and reproductive-hormone problems.

    People with candidiasis are frequently fatigued, get sick a lot, have “female problems”, food allergies, chemical sensitivities, constant headaches and other symptoms that are often dismissed by the medical establishment.

    To me, the Body Ecology Diet is the most comprehensive approach to healing the gut, and therefore the body, because Donna addresses these hormonal balances; as far as I know, hers is the only gut-healing diet that does. She emphasizes the use of sea vegetables to heal the thyroid and adrenals, which is brilliant, in my mind.

    She also emphasizes the consumption of probiotic foods that contain oodles of probiotic bacteria. Foods such as homemade kefir, sauerkraut, kim chi and other fermented foods.

    If you think about it, before the invention of refrigeration, all foods that our great-grandparents ate were fresh, preserved with salt (real salt, not the processed white stuff we find today) or preserved with fermentation. These are truly health-promoting foods! That’s why the subtitle of this book is “Changing the Way the World Eats with Probiotic Nutrition”.

    I won’t say it’s an easy diet to follow, although it is far easier than the basic anti-Candida diet, mostly because of the various principles upon which the diet is based:

    Expansion and contraction
    Acid and alkaline
    Food combining
    Step by step

    Because of the food-combining principle, you can have gluten-free grains on the diet (just not with protein), which is a nice highlight for people out there who feel better eating grains or those who need more carbohydrate-rich diets like children and athletes. To this end, Donna also includes Peter D’Adamo’s Blood Type theory in the book.

    However, food combining makes it a bit more challenging about when to eat things like olives, avocados, nuts, etc. If you’re eating out, it’s best to think Paleo-type foods (minus the nuts and fruit).

    All in all, it’s a very well-thought-out and comprehensive diet that offers health-promoting principles for everyone.

    I’ll be interviewing Donna Gates on November 20, 2013 at 1:00pm Eastern. If you’d like to ask her your own questions, sign up here at:
  • A.Trendl HungarianBookstore.com "What should ... - Best Bat I Have OwnedBuy this Louisville Slugger because it feels right, not because it looks good. It looks great, but the features a hitter needs are in how it swings and how it connects. It does both well.

    The sense of balance is solid when ready to swing, as well as through the entire motion. Only real game time can test the sweet spot, but each swing and hit felt as it should. This is not the aluminum bat I had as a kid.

    For me, a batting cage and pick-up game enthusiast, I am pleased. It is the best bat I have ever owned.

    For those of you in a competition league, be sure to check if this bat is allowed. A great bat is only a great bat if it is permitted for use. With that caveat, I fully recommend the Louisville Slugger Z-1000.

    Anthony Trendl
  • M. Shah "where am i?" - great intro to trip hop holds up well over timethe debut album by massive attack is great to listen to after all these years. if you want a cool, soothing vibe that isn't just ambient music, this is a great choice (it brings the bass!) i was introduced to massive attack in 1998 with protection, and immediately wanted to hear more. blue lines did not (and does not) disappoint.