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  • T. J. Robinson "T's Rainbow" - Very interesting book!This is a very interesting book laying out the basis of fractals (the various repeating patterns in nature and time) and giving a very interesting Time Code Calculator so you can figure out for yourself when the conditions will be right for a repeat of a particular pattern in your life. Gregg Braden seems to have researched the subject thoroughly and the book is interesting enough to lead the reader on into more difficult material through the use of examples we can all relate to. I do not have a scientific background, but found the book able to hold my attention anyway. I plan to keep it as a reference for future.
  • cs211 "cs211" - Incredibly powerful post-apocalyptic nightmareCormac McCarthy's "The Road" is without a doubt the most powerfully moving, thought provoking and memorable book I have read in years. It is also by far the most depressing.

    If you've read Nevil Shute's "On the Beach", which also portrays the world and its few remaining survivors living and then dying amid the aftereffects of an all out nuclear war, you may have an inkling of what to expect. On a timeline "The Road" takes place several years after "On the Beach" would have. By then the world is an even deader place, the people more desperate, the last shreds of humanity all but gone. "On the Beach" was an impactful book for its time, but in my judgment "The Road" is an order of magnitude more powerful.

    "The Road" focuses on a father and son trying to head south ahead of the winter as the world becomes even colder, bleaker and more barren. They have no idea what they are seeking or what ultimately awaits them. "The Road" raises many thought provoking questions, but chief among them is the question "why?": in a world so desolate, with death all around them, why do they still have hope and why do they persevere? And although "The Road" takes place after a nuclear holocaust, the questions it raises can find many parallels with the aftereffects of other disasters and tragedies, both personal and societal.

    The effect on the reader that Cormac McCarthy creates with mere words is astonishing. His sentences are poetically haunting, at times clinical and at other times hallucinatory, matching the throes that his characters experience. The net effect is so powerful that at times I felt as though the back of my own throat was raw from having breathed in the omnipresent dust and smoke that pervades McCarthy's post-apocalyptic world.

    Although I can easily see why this book won the Pulitzer Prize, I am certain it will not appeal to many. Like other powerful depressants, it should not be combined with sleeping pills or alcohol. But if you have the strength of mind to fully separate fact from fiction, you may also find "The Road" to be a book you will never forget.
  • DScott - I think this is the best vacuum I've owned!As a mom and home daycare provider, I need to maintain superclean floors despite the high traffic volume in my house. It seemed like I had the worst luck with vacuums, needing to replace them every year (or sooner). I have owned a Hoover and a Dirt Devil, both of which stopped working well and eventually died before even owning for a year. Unable to afford a Dyson or a Kirby, I purchased this Shark vacuum after much research and positive reviews on amazon. I have recently passed having owned this vacuum for a year, and it is still going strong! It is super easy to maintain and clean and continues to have great suction. It is light weight enough to carry up the stairs, and the handheld part is much longer than other vacuums that I have owned, which allow me to vacuum spiderwebs out of corners and high in windows. The price is right for this vacuum, and I would absolutely buy it again, should my luck run out...
  • Michelle Otero "Michelle" - Wonderful! Great Conditioner & Leave-In ConditionerI absolutely love this product! I leave this conditioner in my hair to help style it. After I shampoo my hair I put this conditioner in my hair and leave it in for about 5 minutes. Then I rinse it out with my hair flipped upside down. I leave some of it in & let it dry. I don't use No-Poo or Low-Poo because its too much moister in my hair, but I love One Condition. Can't get enough of it. :D According to curlmart.com I have 3a/b curls and Deva Curl would classify my curls as Botticelli.