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  • Reality Checker - Loved it - a fantastic Read!!!Ann Coulter has done it again. She hit it right on the nose. The title sums it up. Any logical, objective person, capable of seeing the bigger picture in regards to current world events, must read this book. I could not put the book down. Its another tool that has made it eaiser for me to deal with the wacky world of the Left. Hats off - where were books like this two decades ago? If our universities had students reading Ann's books, we would not be producing Socialist college graduates, who later in life have to come to grips with the reality that they were brainwashed by their weenie, liberal, anti-America, anti-Republic Professors. You go girl!
  • Char - Totally makes sense!Finally!!!! Someone of the worst feelings you can have is when your doctor doesn't believe how healthy you eat, because of your weight. Thank you for The Plan....looking forward to saying goodbye to all trigger foods...and hello to food that has been off of my dinner table tor years!