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  • cindy oeser - FABULOUS PRODUCT!!!i've been taking Align for over 2 years. It totally straightened my digestive tract and, I feel, it has boosted my immune system. 70% of our immune system is in our gut. I get it monthly for the cheapest possible rate from Amazon subscriptions. I guess I will always take it. I sure don't want to go back to the problems I had before. This probiotic was developed by a couple of GI doctors who patented their particular strain of probiotic. No other product has this strain.
  • April - greatI've had problems with discharge for a few years. Sometimes it gets bad enough that I have to wear a panty liner. I bought a vaginal suppositorie and used it at bedtime for 3 nights then I started taking the pill on day 4. I did this to balance my ph levels before starting the pills, since it takes 7 days for the pills to start working. I noticed a small change after the first suppositorie but a week later and I have very little discharge. Some discharge is normal and I feel like I'm in that range now. My lover has also commented on a nice change in taste.
  • Cvalenti - A fabulous resource!As a lover of theatre, I watch the Tony Awards like other people watch the Superbowl, and I frequently refer to my Theatre World volumes, as the internet is spotty at best for theatee information. Not only do the books include New York productions, but regional productions as well....something us non-New Yorkers appreciate. The pictures are beautiful, the information is so comprehensive, and this volume does not disappoint. It's a must-have resource for anyone who loves theatre!