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- Amberly R. Callahan "coreen_larisa" - Good for recoveryAn art therapist suggested this book while I was hospitalized for depression. I am currently on week one and I cannot describe how much it helps. The daily activities in this workbook help those who lost their ability to do mundane task (wash dishes, cook, clean, launder) this book is gradually restoring my confidence that has been lost for several years. My mood and thinking shifted from blah to POW!I am also beginning to create material art once again and mold my life as a masterpiece of my own design. I love this book!
- Eftyking "Eftyking" - Prime is greatI guess I feel lucky considering some people seem to be getting lemons. My Prime has been great.
They just did a firmware update and all seems great. It seems to have fixed some issues. I think it is normal to have some of the issues we see because it is so new.
My Wifi is fine. No issue with booting or restarts.
I did a speed test and the tablet out performed even the Prime's own benchmark score.
I got the dock also. Amazing. Really cool how it starts charging the tab as soon as you plug it in.