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- Patricia Faith Diaz "Patricia Keen-Diaz" - Bought it for my grandchildrenI originally purchased this book back in the early '70's. It was a life-changing book for me. I recently purchased it for six of my grandchildren who are all struggling with finding their path in life. My hope was that they would read it and it would help give them direction as much as it did me. However, none of them have even bothered to open the book or thank me for thinking of them. Goes to show...you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. They are just not ready. Don't think they ever will be, sadly.
- emilynugent - its workingI got this laser about 2 months ago, I have VERY pale skin and very dark hair- even right after i shave it you can see the dark black dots, luckily this is the desirable condition for the laser to be most effective. At first I wasn't sure it was working, after 3 treatments I didn't notice any hair loss- then after i let the hairs grow out I actually saw that quite a large amount of the hair wasn't coming in. I've now done about 5 treatments and alot of the hair doesn't grow back or if it does its finer and lighter, there are some stragglers but i still have 6 more months. I find the laser to be extremely painful, maybe i have a lower pain tolerance, because i can't believe these people saying "its not that bad", its definitely not a rubber band snap for me, its like getting quickly burned with a match- my lady parts and underarms are excruciating and i can only put it up to a 3 there and 4 on my legs. to deal with this i purchased Dr. Numb a topical cream with lidocaine that numbs the skin, i find that takes the edge off. It seems the laser has made alot of improvements from the older reviews i read, it is light, easy to turn on and use, i do wish it lasered larger areas and the charging is annoying, but its worth it in my opinion. it is hard to keep track of where you are lasering so i usually scratch lines down my leg with my fingernail (lightly!) and sort of go up and down the lines. you could also use a highlighter because it is important to overlap and make sure you are thorough to zap every little hair. So far so good, its only been 2 months but im already happy with the results and hope to see even more hair loss!
- Shane Sanchez - Are You Ready To Be Radical?radical |'radik'l
(esp. of change or action) relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough.
This book brings the above definition to life in the walk of every believer.
From the very beginning this David Platt work can seem like the ranting of another extremist Christian who has everything figured out for how you should live your life.
This perception could not be more inaccurate.
In this book Platt challenges Christians to take a look at their faith and question whether it's rooted in the Word of God or the ideals of the American Dream.
Is everything we do supposed to be about stabilizing our future and solidifying our financial prowess? Do we really need to take up our cross and follow Jesus? Could Jesus truly want us to sell all we have and give to the poor?
These are all questions that bombard the typical American Christian. Each one of these questions has be something I've wondered at one point or another in my own life. As Platt dives into the Word of God on these issues the sentences can begin to feel a little uncomfortable. As I read instinctively I wanted to go into defense mode as to why the American version of Christianity is the most practical one out there. This idea simply is false. Though our possession and way of doing church is not inherently bad, the heart behind our fiscal responsibility and ministry initiatives needs to be centered in spreading the glory of God. This means sacrificing more of what we believe secures us and trusting in the security of Jehovah Jireh. He will not only provide all we need in this world, He also gives us everything we could ever need in eternal life.
Radical is rally call to Christians who feel the tug of the Spirit towards a more biblical foundation of Christianity. This book will challenge you to not only study God's Word pertaining to the fruit of our faith, but also live in radical servanthood to a sovereign God.
I would recommend Radical to the Christian ready to face new challenges with eternal reward. David Platt's work is not for the faint of heart or societally content. Instead he asks readers to set themselves aside and allow the radical love of God to truly transform their lives.
*I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review. - ADHendrick "dunchen22" - If you are looking for a new job, this should be a requirementThis book is the sole reason I got hired at my current job. I know this because I submitted an application and resume before reading this and didn't even get a response out of them. Two weeks later I read this book and made a new application and resume using the techniques taught in this book and got a phone call two days later, which led to an interview two days after that, which got me hired the next day.
- Charlotta Alsén - A Powerful Business & Leadership Book + Riveting Memoir = Extraordinary InspirationI was deeply inspired and touched by Bend, Not Break. It's so rare that anything is ever written by and about a woman entrepreneur who has changed an industry through innovative thinking and wisdom, building a start-up, bringing in Venture Capital and finding her way to extraordinary success. Adding to that is Ping Fu's astounding journey from China to the US, starting over here at the age of 25 with not a dime in her pocket, knowing no English, recreating herself, again and again, pursuing her dreams, even when doubting, and throughout all of this remaining guided by her own intuition. I wish all leaders in business and in politics would read this book to learn the power of a more feminine way of achieving extraordinary results. And I wish that entrepreneurs in general, and women business founders in particular, all over the world would have a chance to take part of the knowledge and wisdom Ping Fu shares so eloquently and in such a riveting way so that they too can be inspired to believe in themselves and in their own entrepreneurial, innovative and leadership power.