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Country: North America, US, United States

City: 94107 San Francisco, California

  • J. Ferreira - A beautiful bookLove this book - needed a break between Arcadia, The Dog Stars, and Flight Behavior - all having serious subject matter, this was the perfect antidote. Not "light" reading at all, but still a book that makes you laugh out loud, an incredible story woven with the most interesting characters....
  • jose arturo - awesomefantastic, although its Ram capability is not suitable for this type of Tablets that have big screen it works well
  • Erron - Perfect Halloween BarbieI got this for my sister for Halloween because she loves Halloween and Barbies so I knew this would be perfect for her. She loves this doll a lot and is already playing Trick Or Treat with the doll and she loves the outfit that comes with the doll. I am very satisfied with the purchase and I think any little girl would love this Halloween Barbie.