
Health Services & Doctors - Buffalo, NY - Catholic Health - Buffalo area doctors provide healthcare at WNY hospitals, primary care centers and other Catholic Health locations.

Country: North America, US, United States

City: 14203 Buffalo, New York

  • Bettina Hein - Entrepreneurial spirit prevailsI received Ping Fu's book at this year's SxSW conference and I read it from cover-to-cover within 24 hours. It's a touching life story that shows just how resilient human beings can be. I'm a tech entrepreneur myself and whatever hardships I've endured - they are nothing compared to Ping Fu's life story. Ping's story is an inspiration not just for Chinese entrepreneurs or female entrepreneurs but for anybody that has struggled with building a business or a life from hardship. Her determination to not only succeed but do right by others is something I very much admire. I'm also jealous that she managed to be a CEO of a successful company and write such a riveting book at the same time :-).
  • Susan Patterson - As PromisedProduct on recurring order. Came as promised, priced as promised. Way below current drug store price. Align is the probiotic my doctor wants me to take and it works just great.
  • Karen - A MUST HAVE for your dogs!!A few years ago I lost my dog and never found him. I searched high and low for months. I was heart broken. When I got my new beagles my husband insisted I try Tagg and I won't live without it now. I can't even count how many times it has helped me locate my dogs safely and accuratelly. And the App is awesome. When it tells you the dog is within 20 feet of an address and they come walking from behind a tree, it's great!! All the people at customer service are really helpful too. Thanks TAGG!!
  • dutchie - Love my Orgreenic pan!Was a little leery about buying one of these pans after some of the negative reviews, but after doing so I have cooked with nothing but this pan...
    I've had everything I have prepared in it turn out great.It browns beautifully, nothing sticks and real easy clean up!
    I have already bought for my daughters!
  • J. Lopez "J Lopez" - electric heating pad.I love, love, love this heating pad. i just wish it had come with a washable cover. as far as i know, the cover does not come off....i just used the button cover from a previous heating pad so i can wash it. heats up really fast and stays on past me falling out asleep. also, my cats love it when i use it, they lay on top of the covers right where i have it on me and makes the heating pad contact even better on my back or stomach. i would definately purchase again.