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Country: North America, US, United States

City: Ashburn, Virginia

  • Xeno99 - No need for 3D TV!I bought 50 inch 50LN5700 LG TV last week and I have been trying it.
    So far, I am loving it.

    There is a upgrade version of this LG TV which features 3D and much cooler stand, but it is also 150 bucks more expensive.
    As a person who tried 3D TV and have seen others who has 3D TV never using their 3D feature, don't buy 3D TV. It's a waste of money, even if it's only 150 bucks more. Alot of channels are starting to drop 3D features for their channels, including ESPN. This TV is perfect for those who wants a nice quality non-3D internet ready smart TV.

    Some of the features I like
    - Internet connection through WIFI. This allows me to connect to me wireless router and share between my PC using the home network. I installed the Smart Share software on my PC, which allows me to share my PC contents onto the TV. This was exactly what I needed.
    - I also installed LG remote app on my iphone, which allows me to move the pointer like a mouse on TV. This TV doesn't come with LG magic remote, but it isn't needed as iphone app is much easier to navigate.
    - I also have youtube app on my iphone connected with the TV, so that I can watch youtube on my TV when I choose a video on my iphone yotube app.

    There are many other apps in the LG smart world including amazon prime, pandora etc. I didn't download them as I don't use them, but just knowing they are available is quite nice.

    If there is con about this TV, it's the shipping. I use Amazon Prime and the TV arrive 3 days late.
  • Krzy8 - worked for meI purchased this after the doctor put me on an antibiotic for 6 months for reoccurring bacteria infections, I felt like I was allergic to my husband :(. I also felt like I was having more yeast problems with the antibiotic so I needed something besides yogurt (which I hate). After a week of taking this I felt so much better, no more burning or itching and my sex life is so much better. I went to the doctor for a check up 2 weeks after using this and I was clean no more bacteria/yeast. I still have to take my antibiotic 2 times a week for 2 more months. she said to continue to use the pro-b. I'm very excited to have found this product.
  • gina vale - we're living original order was lost and it was supposed to be delivered right in front of my door. i reported it to the seller and right there and then, he replaced it. this is a very good product and it fits our every day needs because we are living healthy. we just love to drink smoothies everyday because of the healthy benefits it gives us. but after a month of use, i notice a crack on the biggest glass and I will check if this is covered with the warranty we submitted. i would definitely rate this 5 stars.
  • raymond - Great performance updateOverall everything is way after than before. All applications are extra responsive and there is better integration between the TV, home theater, and cable box. The voice commands and motion control functions are more responsive and they actually work now. The major cons are the TV and Home theater integration could be better through adding more control of the AVR in terms of source selection and anynet + control. Hopefully future updates will make this better!